Our storage is corona-proof

Of course, at Salland Storage we try to minimize the risks of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Health and safety, of course, come first. We adhere to the RIVM guidelines. This way we keep 1.5 meters distance and avoid physical contact as much as possible. In addition, we wash our hands regularly and clean extra often.

If you rent storage space from us, you can be assured that it is clean and dust-free. Because you have access to our site 24/7 it is easy to avoid the more busy times. Our spacious park makes it easier to keep as much distance from other tenants as you like. The contact with our employees and the transaction can all take place online if desired.

In short: renting storage space at Salland Storage is really corona-proof!

Tiny House
auteur avatar
Jan-Hein Streppel